I have often heard in the past 'Oh why do you want to go to Asia all the time, we have it all here' UK, USA etc. In some cases that is very true there are some amazing teachers openly sharing what they have in Europe, USA, Canada, Australia you name it there will be someone who knows someone whos got a friend who knows the 'Master'.
But what I love about being out here, at the moment being Taiwan but it was even more so in China when I went, is that you can meet some incredible practitioners enywhere. Most obvious is in the parks there ARE many incredible people early morning doing there Qigong or Tai Ji. For instance I am often in Taipei early on a thrusday so I head to my favourite spot at the park and I see old men with jet black hair absorbing from trees then I see women who must bein there sixties or seventies doing incredible stretches and splits that I dont think I was able to do in Kindergarten!
But its not just the parks for instance today a great example is that I was out side going through my basics, endless Pi chuan back and forth being stared at by the locals as usual when one guy looking fairly fit, giving off a scent of tobaco and betel nuts stepped up to where I was training. He then started to go through a form which looked pretty good, usually its a case of smiling politely, waiting till the impromptu demo is over and carrying on. But this guy he realy looked good and unusually he wanted to help so he started doing some applications with me showing where in his form it was, showing leg trips etc. Great! Then he had to go as he was a builder working on our building.
On I went with my Pichuan part of my new reigime is basically just Santi and Pi and some other Jibengung to stay loose. About 10 minutes later he appeared again and out came the form and applications. Then he started showing iron body banging his back on the wall and hitting himself so with my little chinese I started throwing out all I know and all the famous Nejia phrases to try get a little more clarity on his approach. Was it all form and bravado or was there more he did. Well then he cuaght what I was saying and said , 'Yes, Yes, Tai Ji Nei Gung'. Cool!
He then showed me a posture explaining where to focus and where to put my weight and that it opens up the Chi circulation.
Wow what a great morning, thats why I came to Asia. Far more chance of this kind of thing happening.
The Treatise on Tai Chi Chuan (太極拳論)
3 months ago
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