What is Eternal Journeys all about?

The Eternal Journey....

Thanks for stopping by for a read, this blog is about 'the' Eternal Journey. Motivated by all things inspirational, things that make me qustion, stories that move me of personal courage, overcoming struggles, breaking new ground in the inner and outer sciences.

I hope you enjoy the posts and please leave your comments and click the follow blog option if you like whats posted. In the future I plan on releasing at least one book on the many interviews I have collected over the years with the permission of those who wish to go into print.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Get fit efficiently, get sweating

Hi al, a change of pace here.

As well as all the weird and wonderful subjects that are covered I also love training hard. I discovered through a Thai Boxing friend years ago the benefit of hard and intense training in order to get results quickly not the long barly sweat hour a day of jogging more like a 20 min max work out consiting of interval work outs.

Well here is a very simple small article from www.bodyrock.tv on this subject as bizarly people I have recomended this to reacted like I was talking witch craft that there is a more efficient way to train, enjoy:

Interval Cardio – The best cardio
Posted on 04 April 2009 by Zuzana - BodyRock.Tv
A lot of people ask me how they can burn the most amount of calories and fat during their cardio workouts without spending hours and without loosing their muscles.

Simply by changing the intensity level of your cardio workouts it is possible to super charge your results – burning large amounts of calories without breaking down lean muscles. Interval training can be any exercise in which you are working out in short bursts of activity at high speed / intensity at close to your max effort, followed by periods of lower intensity.

Interval training has been scientifically proven to be highly effective for fat loss – at a much higher rate than the more common, long cardio training at moderate or lower intensity. High intensity interval cardio also boosts your metabolism AFTER the workout, ensuring that your body continues to burn calories at an accelerated rate long after your workout is over.

If you want to get the benefits of interval training then get ready to sweat because for these fat burning benefits to kick in you have to workout at high intensity and to exhaustion – to reach the point of overload so that the training will be effective. Without overload there is no adaptation.

Based on a research of Izumi Tabata at the National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Tokyo, Japan, a method consisting of 20 seconds of all out effort followed by 10 seconds of rest for a total of 4 minutes is JUST AS EFFECTIVE as 45 minutes of endurance exercise. This exercise method puts both the aerobic and anaerobic systems at peak stress, and can be used with body weight exercises as I have shown in my 20 minute workout.

Interval training will save your time, muscles, and deliver scientifically proven superior results. Let everyone else sweat it out for hours :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha, was that an intentional typo at the top there...


Good article - it works honest!