I find this very interesting its from Project Camelot which is dedicated to uncovering truth, pure and simple. You may find many of the subjects unbelievable but thats okay take what you want from it or skip on to the next application clip.
The Treatise on Tai Chi Chuan (太極拳論)
3 months ago
People like David Icke are doing awesome stuff, as are monks up whatever mountain training their minds to have complete control over their reality. However, there's plenty of people out there, and around us, who've never had a 'spiritual experience' in their entire lives, who's ideas are bang on, who are compassionate and passionate, who put themselves in great physical and emotional danger to make the world better, freer for people they've sometimes never met. There are people, everywhere, learning all the time and choosing to process that in whatever way they see fit according to their experiences and situation. It's not always to do with ancient practices, special diets, mantras as martial arts.
Brought up as we all are in a hierarchical system, I think it's very easy for us to see people 'doing amazing things', who have 'out of this world' experiences, and begin to look up to and idolise them because that's what we've been taught to do. If we spend too much time looking up not only do we lose sight of ourselves, but we also [and this is a less popular opinion] lose sight of each other, the people we see everyday whose contribution to truth and freedom is as great, only in a different expression. And I certainly, have learnt as much, if not more, about love and freedom from people I actually know as from the stories of people I've never met.
There's a real danger, as I see it, that we're creating a hierarchy of 'spirituality', a hierarchy of truth, where, just as we put our lives in the hands of our doctors to tell us what's best for us, we only look to certain individuals as divine sources of truth, often based on how much we are affected by their mystique, or even their mysticism.
Knowledge is only power if you have to get it from one source, be it a person or a book. If we just transplant the mechanism of our internalised false hierarchies on to what perceive as 'truth', we aren't learning anything at all.
Real truth has to be as practical as it is spiritual, as physical as it is conceptual, or it can't exists at all. And we can't choose what or who we learn from or our lessons will be as skewed as what we learnt in school.
Is your truth the smae truth as mine? Perception means everything. Even with the Dzogchen tradition how the view is defines is massively important. I feel everyones reality is self created and there truth and ability to see relative truth is completely connected to where 'they' are at. Ultimate reality is something I feel talked about alot but understood and experienced even less.
"Real truth has to be as practical as it is spiritual, as physical as it is conceptual, or it can't exists at all. And we can't choose what or who we learn from or our lessons will be as skewed as what we learnt in school."
I like these two sentences....very well put.
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